\r\n 阿拉丁神灯奖”是在商务部指导下、广州市经济贸易委员会作为特别支持单位,由广州光亚法兰克福展览有限公司、广东光亚照明研究院于\r\n 2013 年正式发起创办的具有国际影响力的行业奖项。\r\n
\r\n\r\n 关于\"阿拉丁神灯奖\"评选活动,从十一届开始,本奖项将制定新的章程,用以规范和明确相关的内容事项、操作流程和评审要求。\r\n
\r\n\r\n 1、评奖目的:为行业提供一个公开、公平、公正的展示平台,挖掘不为人知的先进事迹,树新风、展风采。\r\n
\r\n1.1、 鼓励业界技术创新和产品创新,促进产业科技进步。
\r\n\r\n 1.2、 提升阿拉丁神灯奖的国内及国际影响力,促进行业的不断发展。\r\n
\r\n\r\n 1.3、\r\n 树立优秀工程、优质产品、创新技术、创新设计的标杆和典范,倡导社会价值理念。\r\n
\r\n\r\n 2.1、产品奖(照明产品、零配件、材料、设备,系统或技术解决方案等)\r\n
\r\n\r\n 2.2、设计奖(以光为重要手段或元素,进行各种形式的创作或概念设计)\r\n
\r\n\r\n 2.3、工程奖(已经竣工验收的照明工程项目&建筑智能化或智能家居设计方案)\r\n
\r\n\r\n 注:每个大类里面,将根据每年产品技术以及行业的发展现状,设置相应的若干个小分类。\r\n
\r\n\r\n 每年进行一次,根据【广州国际照明展览会】、【广州国际建筑电气技术及智能家居展览会】的举办时间,暂定为每年度9月~下一年度5月进行申报、推选、评审工作,每年6月展览会举办期间进行发布和颁奖典礼,每年6月~9月为当届阿拉丁神灯奖成果宣传期。\r\n
\r\n\r\n 4.1、产品奖申报对象:只要是合法经营的企业或个人,且申报项目具有自主知识产权均可申报。照明产品、零配件、材料、设备,系统或技术解决方案等具有前瞻性和发展性的,用于规划和引导产品研制和应用开发的技术理念及解决方案。\r\n 产品奖:从技术创新性、实用性、经济性、文档服务四个方面进行。\r\n
\r\n\r\n 4.2、设计奖申报对象:凡年龄在18周岁以上的设计师、设计机构、高等院校设计专业师生、以及有相关设计实践的人士均可投稿参评。设计师运用光的颜色、亮度、温度等多重属性,契合声音、材料、情感等要素,与观者进行“交流”,表达自己的创意及想法。\r\n 设计奖评审:从新颖和独创性、创新性、可行性与推广性三个方面进行。\r\n
\r\n\r\n 4.3、工程奖申报对象:具有独立法人资格的设计院(所)、设计公司,高等院校,科研单位和照明工程公司、该项目主要产品的供应商。如申报\"工程奖\",需注意是指申报项目已完工,无权属争议并且是已竣工验收、投入使用在三个月以上的照明工程。\r\n 工程评审:从功能适用、经济合理、安全可靠、技术先进、环境协调等五个方面评比。\r\n
\r\n\r\n 4.4、创新融合奖申报对象及评选范围:根据行业发展情况单独办奖,申报对象及评选范围根据奖项类型而定。\r\n
\r\n\r\n 通过主办方、业内专家学者、权威人士、行业组织或机构组成的评审团审议和推荐,以科学、权威、客观、公正为原则,全面评价申报资料的先进性、独创性、实用性、完整性、经济性等评测因素,最终产生出阿拉丁神灯奖的评选结果。评审团按照评奖的类别,专门组成若干个专业评审组、专业考察组,具体承担和实施评审考察工作;投票工作以阿拉丁神灯奖组委会秘书处负责组织和实施。\r\n
\r\n\r\n 5.2、专业评审组:成员由主办方代表、神灯奖的合作机构代表和提名委员组成;专业考察组,则由其工作组部分成员随机组成。\r\n
\r\n\r\n 5.4.1、专家级:高级职称、本科+15年工作经历以上、硕士+10年工作经历以上,博士+5年工作经历以上;\r\n
\r\n\r\n 5.4.2、专业级:中级职称、本科+10年工作经历、硕士+5年工作经历以上,博士+3年工作经历以上\r\n
\r\n\r\n \"阿拉丁神灯奖\"评选活动由专设的组委会秘书处统一协调、筹划、安排、落实具体的工作计划和实施方案,组委会秘书处由主办方代表,承办方代表(广州阿拉丁物联网络科技股份有限公司)组成。组委会秘书处作为\"阿拉丁神灯奖\"评选活动进行期间的协调班子和工作班子,负责解释、答复、接受有关评选活动的一切咨询、质疑和文档材料。\r\n
\r\n \r\n\r\n 1、\"阿拉丁神灯奖\"评选活动采用由申报对象自主申报,或由合作机构、提名委员推荐具有创新特色和代表意义的项目参加评选,并在每年评选活动统一安排的规定时间内,将申报材料送交组委会秘书处汇总和审查,申报材料符合规定和要求的项目,由组委会秘书处交由评审团进行专业评审。\r\n 2、凡申报过往届\"阿拉丁神灯奖\"评选活动的项目,如无明显改进或突出表现,主办方原则上不接受本年度的申报工作。\r\n 3、申报时,应按照统一要求在阿拉丁神灯奖官方网站上进行网上或线下填报有关申报表格,尽量详尽提供以下材料。申报对象对所申报的材料应保证其内容规范、真实和清晰、明了。\r\n 4、严禁申报过程中的任何弄虚作假行为,如查明属实的不真实申报单位,在评审阶段发现的取消申报资格;评审结束后发现并且属于获奖项目的,撤销获奖称号,并在行业内给予通报和公告。\r\n 5、申报对象如对所申报的内容有保密要求,请在申报材料中明确标注。同时,所有接触申报材料的单位和人员,都必须严格按照有关要求对项目中的内容事项承担保密义务。\r\n 6、所有申报\"阿拉丁神灯奖\"项目的申报材料不予退还。组委会秘书处将利用申报资料组织发行专刊或进行专题介绍。\r\n 7、所有申报\"阿拉丁神灯奖\"的项目默认设计创意或知识产权属于申报单位或申报个人,如存在侵权行为均由申报方负责,主办方有权取消侵权作品的申报资格。\r\n \r\n
\r\n\r\n \"阿拉丁神灯奖\"评选活动的评审基本分为初审、路演&考察、复审和终审四个阶段。\r\n 1、初审阶段:主要由专设的组委会秘书处根据申报对象送交的申报表格和申报材料,在申报类别当中,分别确定若干项作为候选的项目。\r\n 2、路演&考察阶段:已经获得海选入围资格的申报项目,秘书处将组织若干个专业评审小组进行路演或线下实地考察,并根据实际情况予以评价。\r\n 3、复审阶段:每一个小分类专业评审小组成员根据路演&考察评价,以及海选投票结果,结合评审标准,举行复审会议并进行投票,确认优秀奖结果。组委会秘书处负责汇总各类别结果,将优秀奖的结果进行公示,如公示期内如无异议,提交终审委员会。\r\n 4、终审阶段:主要是评审团终审委员会,根据专业评审工作组的入围结果、评审意见和推荐建议,确定最后阿拉丁神灯奖该类别的最佳奖获得者,由组委会秘书处向社会各界进行统一发布和推荐介绍。\r\n 注:考察阶段主要是由候选项目的申报对象,在评审前,向主办方申请邀约专业考察组进行申报项目的考察及点评,讲解其申报项目的有关情况;考察结束后,专业考察组将向组委会秘书处提供已考察申报对象的考察报告,并用作评审的评选参考建议。\r\n 公示阶段:经复审评选后,秘书处将获奖项目的详细情况向社会公示,自发布之日起,七天内为异议期。如有异议,需在异议期内向终审委员会(由秘书处提交终审委员会审议)提出书面意见和理由,并附上相关证明材料;过期视为无异议。\r\n
\r\n\r\n 1、\"阿拉丁神灯奖\"评选活动的最终评选结果在每年一度的【广州国际照明展览会】、【广州国际建筑电气技术及智能家居展览会】举办期间进行发布和颁奖典礼,所有获奖的项目都将获得\"阿拉丁神灯奖\"主办单位所颁发的奖杯或获奖证书。\r\n 2、阿拉丁神灯奖组委会秘书处在全部评审工作结束后,负责编辑出版《\"阿拉丁神灯奖\"年鉴》,该汇编作为\"阿拉丁神灯奖\"评选活动获奖项目及其他申报项目的权威和正式发布形式之一,发布、宣传、推广获奖项目以及评审专家的评价分析。\r\n
\r\n\r\n 1、\"阿拉丁神灯奖\"评选活动主办单位为广州光亚法兰克福展览有限公司、广东光亚照明研究院,承办单位为广州阿拉丁物联网络科技股份有限公司。\r\n 2、本章程由阿拉丁神灯奖组委会秘书处制定、修改并负责解释。\r\n 3、本章程自公布之日起实施。\r\n
\r\n\r\n Alighting Award is an industry award with international influence\r\n officially launched by Guangzhou Guangya Frankfurt Exhibition Co.,\r\n Ltd and Guangdong Guangya Lighting Research Institute in 2013\r\n under the guidance of the Ministry of Commerce and the special\r\n support of Guangzhou Economic and Trade Commission.\r\n
\r\n\r\n Starting from the 11th Alighting Award selection, new regulations\r\n will be formulated in order to standardize and specify relevant\r\n matters, operational processes and selection requirements.\r\n
\r\n\r\n 1. Objectives: To provide an open, fair and impartial exhibition\r\n platform for lighting, dig out unknown lighting deeds,foster new\r\n trends and show the lighting industry.\r\n
\r\n\r\n 1.1 To encourage technological and product innovation in the\r\n lighting industry and promote scientific and technological\r\n progress in lighting.\r\n
\r\n\r\n 1.2 To enhance the international influence of the Alighting Award\r\n and promote the continuous development of the lighting industry.\r\n
\r\n\r\n 1.3 To set up an example and model for outstanding projects, high\r\n quality products, innovative technologies and innovative designs,\r\n and advocate the concept of social value.\r\n
\r\n\r\n 2.The awards included in the Alighting Award selection are as\r\n follows:\r\n
\r\n2.1 Product Award:(Lighting products, non-component)
\r\n\r\n 2.2 Technology Award: (Lighting components, materials, equipment,\r\n systems or technological solutions, etc., non-lighting products)\r\n
\r\n2.3 Project Award: (For completed lighting projects)
\r\n\r\n 2.4 Innovation Award (cooperated with other institutions) Notes:\r\n According to the development of product technologies and the\r\n industrial trend, each Award category above will be divided into\r\n multiple sub-categories.\r\n
\r\n\r\n 3. Schedule of the Alighting Award selection: The selection is\r\n held annually. In accordance with the time when Guangzhou\r\n International Lighting Exhibition is held, it has been tentatively\r\n decided that the application, recommendation and rediv are carried\r\n out from September to May of the next year. The selection results\r\n shall be announced and the award ceremony shall be held in June\r\n when Guangzhou International Lighting Exhibition is held. And the\r\n award-winners of the Alighting Award will be publicized from June\r\n to September.\r\n
\r\n\r\n 4.Applicants participating in the Alighting Award selection and\r\n theselection scope:\r\n
\r\n\r\n 4.1 Product Award applicants: Legally operating enterprise or\r\n individual and the declared product with independent intellectual\r\n property right can apply. \"Products\" generally refer to the\r\n lighting products that have been mass-produced and non-component.\r\n The product selection is conducted in terms of technological\r\n innovativeness, practicability, economy and document service.\r\n Technological innovativeness: Whether the technical indicators of\r\n a product have met the latest standards at home and abroad and\r\n what innovative features it has will be assessed. For example, do\r\n the major parts of the product have the latest and most popular\r\n configuration Have the main technical parameters and the nominal\r\n indicators met the latest industry standards Has the product\r\n received any award Is the product patented Has the product\r\n undergone any significant technical improvement, technological\r\n innovation, design innovation or other innovations Practicability:\r\n The practical value of a product and its humanized factors in its\r\n application will be assessed. For example, in terms of humanized\r\n design (Is it easy to install and operate How is the workmanship\r\n and quality Is the electromagnetic circuit safe Has the product\r\n design met the design specifications), what are the users’\r\n comments How is the compatibility of the product Does the product\r\n support various standards Is it easy to maintain in use Economy:\r\n The price/performance ratio, use cost and maintenance cost of the\r\n product and its expandability will be assessed. Document service:\r\n The quality and efficiency of the instruction book and technical\r\n manuals of a product as well as the level of service provided by\r\n the manufacturer will be assessed. (Are the documents illustrated\r\n and easy to understand Is there specific description of all\r\n functions and components of the product Is there any instruction\r\n on the repair Is there any detailed guidance on the installation,\r\n disassembly and operation How is the product warranty)\r\n
\r\n\r\n 4.2 Technology Award applicants: Legally operating enterprise or\r\n individual and the declared product with independent intellectual\r\n property right can apply. \"Technologies\" generally refer to\r\n lighting components, materials, equipment, systems or\r\n forward-looking and developmental technical ideas or solutions for\r\n planning and guiding product development and application. The\r\n technological selection is conducted in terms of technological\r\n innovativeness, practicability and economy. Technological\r\n innovativeness: The innovative key points and features of a\r\n technology will be assessed. For example, has the technology\r\n received any award Is the technology patented In terms of the\r\n innovative key points in technology, is the new technology\r\n significant, practical and effective In terms of the innovative\r\n key points in design, can the design be directly applied to real\r\n products How are the design feature and originality if it is\r\n applied to the products How are the innovative key points in other\r\n aspects Is the technology forward-looking Will it become a leading\r\n standard Will it be the mainstream Does it have an application\r\n prospect Practicability: What will be assessed are the practical\r\n value and promotion potential of the technology, for example, the\r\n independence and feasibility of the technology and whether there\r\n is any case in practical application. Economy: How much economic\r\n benefit the technology can produce will be assessed. For example,\r\n how much cost (the human resources and material resources invested\r\n to realize the technology) is needed to realize the technology How\r\n much is the return on investment (How long may it take to recoup\r\n the investment)\r\n
\r\n\r\n 4.3 Project Award applicants: Design institutes or companies with\r\n independent legal qualifications, colleges and universities,\r\n scientific research institutions, lighting engineering companies\r\n and suppliers of major products of the project. \"Projects\" refer\r\n to the lighting projects having been completed with no ownership\r\n dispute and having been put into use for more than three months.\r\n The project selection is conducted in terms of technological\r\n innovativeness, implementation effect, energy saving, security and\r\n durability. Technological innovativeness: Whether the technical\r\n indicators of all the components of the project have met the\r\n latest domestic and overseas standards and the innovative features\r\n it has will be assessed. For example, do the major products of the\r\n project have the latest and most popular configuration Have the\r\n main technical parameters and the nominal indicators met the\r\n latest industry standards Do the components have innovative points\r\n in technology, design or other aspects Implementation effect:\r\n Respect for design and carrier (conforming to the carrier's\r\n property and expressing the relationship between different carrier\r\n elements), visual aesthetics (artistic and creative), visual\r\n comfort (with reasonable contrast ratio and no glare while\r\n coordinating with the surroundings), consistency between the\r\n reality and the design effect. Energy saving: The use cost and\r\n maintenance cost of the project will be assessed. For example,\r\n does the project use highly efficient lighting products Does it\r\n apply hierarchical control of the effects Has it met the latest\r\n national design standards How much maintenance cost (cost of human\r\n resources, material resources and electricity) is needed for the\r\n project in service Security: The stability (stability and\r\n reliability of system operation), capability of accidental\r\n emergency management, restorability of the project and whether it\r\n can minimize losses will be assessed. For example, are the\r\n installation and maintenance convenient What are the safety\r\n precautions for the facilities What are the safety precautions for\r\n the operation with power on Durability: How long is the service\r\n life of the materials for the project How long can more than 80%\r\n of the materials be in service without being replaced\r\n
\r\n\r\n 4.4 Innovation Award object of declaration and scope of\r\n evaluation: The award shall be awarded separately according to the\r\n development of industry, and the object of declaration and scope\r\n of evaluation shall be determined according to the type of award.\r\n 5.Organizational leadership and implementing bodies of the\r\n Alighting Award selection The Alighting Award selection results\r\n will be achieved through deliberations and recommendations by the\r\n Jury Committee consisting of the sponsor, experts and scholars in\r\n the industry, authorities, industry organizations or institutions,\r\n following the principles of science, authority, objectiveness and\r\n fairness and comprehensively evaluating the submitted materials\r\n from aspects of the advancement, originality, practicability,\r\n completeness and economy. According to the categories of awards,\r\n namely product, technology, project and design, the Jury Committee\r\n specially sets up several Professional Evaluation Teams and\r\n Professional Investigation Teams, responsible for the evaluation\r\n and investigation; the Secretariat of the organizing committee of\r\n the Alighting Award is responsible for the organization and\r\n implementation of the voting.\r\n
\r\n\r\n 5.1 Jury Committee:Consisting of final judges and all professional\r\n jury teams.\r\n
\r\n\r\n 5.2 Professional Evaluation Team : Including representatives of\r\n the sponsor and the cooperative institutions for the Alighting\r\n Award as well as the nominating committee members; Professional\r\n Investigation Team are randomly composed of some members of their\r\n respective teams.\r\n
\r\n\r\n 5.3 Final Judges: Including representatives of the sponsor and the\r\n industry celebrities specially invited by the sponsor.\r\n
\r\n\r\n 5.4 Nominating Committee Members: Elected from the winners of the\r\n last Alighting Award or composed of industry celebrities specially\r\n invited by the sponsor.\r\n
\r\n\r\n 5.4.1 Experts: Senior title, Bachelor +15 years working experience\r\n above, Master +10 years working experience,Doctor +5 years working\r\n experience;\r\n
\r\n\r\n 5.4.2 Specialists: Intermediate title, Bachelor +10 years working\r\n experience above, Master +5 years working experience, Doctor +3\r\n years working experience;\r\n
\r\n\r\n 5.5 Cooperative Institutions: the industry organizations or\r\n institutions specially invited by the sponsor.\r\n
\r\n\r\n 5.6 Secretariat of the organizing committee: Representatives of\r\n organizers and cooperative institutions.\r\n
\r\n\r\n 6. Planning and coordination body of the Alighting Award\r\n selection: The specially established secretariat of the organizing\r\n committee is responsible for the coordination,\r\n planning,arrangement and implementation of specific working plan\r\n and implementation schemes for the Alighting Award selection. The\r\n secretariat of the organizing committee consists of\r\n representatives of the organizing committee of Guangzhou\r\n International Lighting Exhibition, representatives of organizers\r\n (Guangzhou Alighting IOT & Technology, Co., Ltd). As the\r\n coordination and working team during the Alighting Award\r\n selection, the secretariat of the organizing committee is\r\n responsible for accepting all the consultations, queries and\r\n document materials relating to the appraisal and selection and\r\n providing explanations and replies.\r\n
\r\n\r\n 1. Applicants can independently apply for participation in the\r\n Alighting Award selection or the entities whose items have\r\n innovative features and typicality are recommended by the\r\n cooperative institutions and nominating committee members to\r\n participate in the selection. Application materials shall be\r\n submitted to the secretariat of the organizing committee for\r\n collection and examination within the stipulated time for each\r\n year's appraisal and selection. The secretariat of the organizing\r\n committee will submit those items with application materials\r\n conforming to regulations and requirements to the Jury Committee\r\n for professional appraisal.\r\n
\r\n\r\n\r\n 2. In principle, the sponsor will not accept the applications of\r\n projects which had applied for participation in the selection of\r\n the previous Alighting Award and have not made obvious\r\n improvements or have no outstanding performance.\r\n
\r\n\r\n\r\n 3. For application, relevant application forms shall be filled in\r\n and submitted online at www.alighting.cn or offline according to\r\n the requirements. The following materials shall be provided and\r\n shall be as detailed as possible. Applicants should make sure the\r\n application materials are standardized, true and clear in content.\r\n
\r\n \r\n\r\n\r\n 1. Initial rediv: Based on the application forms and materials\r\n submitted by the applicants, the specially established secretariat\r\n of the organizing committee will choose some projects as the\r\n candidate ones for the four categories respectively.\r\n
\r\n\r\n 2. Rediv: After receiving all the candidate projects sorted out by\r\n the secretariat of the organizing committee (including the\r\n inspection opinions of the Professional Inspection Teams), all\r\n members of the Professional Evaluation Team will confirm the vote\r\n of each application category within a designated time in\r\n accordance with the rediv criteria. The secretariat of the\r\n organizing committee is responsible for collecting the voting\r\n results of each category and publicizing the results of\r\n Outstanding Products, Outstanding Technologies, Outstanding\r\n Projects and Outstanding Innovation. If no objection received\r\n within the public notice period, the results will be submitted to\r\n the final appeal board.\r\n
\r\n\r\n 3. Inspection: In order to provide corresponding test data\r\n analysis for the final part, the applicants of the candidate\r\n projects will be sent to the designated test agency for data\r\n detection and analysis of the third party. 4. Final rediv:\r\n According to the Professional Evaluation Team's appraisal opinions\r\n and recommendations on the entries, final judges of the Jury\r\n Committee will decide winners of the Alighting Award, namely Best\r\n Product, Best Technology, Best Project and Best Innovation, which\r\n will be announced and introduced to the all sectors of society by\r\n the secretariat of the organizing committee. Notes: In the\r\n inspection stage, the applicants of the candidate projects will\r\n apply to the sponsor for inviting the Professional Inspection\r\n Teams to inspect and comment the submitted projects and listen to\r\n the applicants' description of relevant conditions of the\r\n submitted projects before the inspection; after the inspection,\r\n the Professional Inspection Teams will submit the inspection\r\n reports of the inspected objects to the secretariat of the\r\n organizing committee as reference for the rediv. Publicity stage:\r\n After the evaluation, the detailed information of the award\r\n winners will be published for public rediv by the secretariat for\r\n seven days from the date of publication as the objection period.\r\n In case of any objection, written opinions and reasons shall be\r\n submitted to the Final Judge Committee (submitted by the\r\n secretariat to the Final Judge Committee) within the objection\r\n period, together with relevant supporting documents; Expiration is\r\n deemed to be without objection.\r\n
\r\n\r\n 4.Final review: According to the Professional Evaluation Team's\r\n appraisal opinions and recommendations on the entries, final\r\n judges of the Jury Committee will decide winners of the Alighting\r\n Award, namely Best Product, Best Technology, Best Project and Best\r\n Innovation, which will be announced and introduced to the all\r\n sectors of society by the secretariat of the organizing committee.\r\n
\r\n\r\n Notes: In the inspection stage, the applicants of the candidate\r\n projects will apply to the sponsor for inviting the Professional\r\n Inspection Teams to inspect and comment the submitted projects and\r\n listen to the applicants' description of relevant conditions of\r\n the submitted projects before the inspection; after the\r\n inspection, the Professional Inspection Teams will submit the\r\n inspection reports of the inspected objects to the secretariat of\r\n the organizing committee as reference for the review.\r\n
\r\n\r\n Publicity stage: After the evaluation, the detailed information of\r\n the award winners will be published for public review by the\r\n secretariat for seven days from the date of publication as the\r\n objection period. In case of any objection, written opinions and\r\n reasons shall be submitted to the Final Judge Committee (submitted\r\n by the secretariat to the Final Judge Committee) within the\r\n objection period, together with relevant supporting documents;\r\n Expiration is deemed to be without objection.\r\n
\r\n\r\n 1. The final results of the Alighting Award selection will be\r\n announced and the award ceremony will be held during Guangzhou\r\n International Lighting Exhibition which is held annually. All the\r\n winners will receive the trophy cups and honor certificates given\r\n by the sponsor of the Alighting Award.\r\n
\r\n\r\n 2. After all the selection work is completed, the secretariat of\r\n the organizing committee of the Alighting Award will be\r\n responsible for editing and publishing the Alighting Award\r\n Yearbook. As one of the authoritative and official forms of\r\n issuing the winning projects and other submitted projects in the\r\n Alighting Award selection, the collection will be used to publish,\r\n publicize and popularize the winning projects as well as the\r\n selection experts' assessment and analysis.\r\n
\r\n\r\n 1. The Alighting Award selection is initiated by Guangzhou\r\n International Lighting Exhibition, sponsored by Guangzhou Guangya\r\n Messe Frankfurt Co., Ltd. and organized by Guangzhou Alighting\r\n IOT&Technology Co.,Ltd.\r\n
\r\n\r\n 2. The regulation is formulated and amended by the secretariat of\r\n the organizing committee of the Alighting Award which is\r\n responsible for the explanation.\r\n
\r\n\r\n 3. The regulation takes effect as of the date of promulgation.\r\n